☽ Aspen/Beetle☾
☽ Lvl 22 ⋆ He/They☾

Welcome, To My Shop!

Standard T.O.S

General Rules!
If you break the rules multiple times you may be put on the blacklist. (some rules have exceptions, and they can be fixed with a simple correction and a sorry).
2. Credit me the first time you draw them! I'd really like to see what you do with them. As well as credit me on my socialsA. If reselling please do not resell for higher unless you have contributed to the value by adding art, or paying for extra artB. Gifting/trading is fine.C. Co-owning a design is also fine.D. I'd prefer you transfer my designs only on ToyHouse so i can keep track of who is who, but if you're going to sell on another site just let me know!E. If you got anything for free you may only give it away for free or as a gift. Unless there is a contribution to the value, contributing to the value isn't making a small little doodle, it has to be something that had time and effort put into it, like a big commission or a complete art pieces or multiple of them1. Do not claim original design or any art I do as your own.
-Claim the design as your own.
-Steal/Trace/Repost my work on any site. If you have purchased a design, you may post to toyhou.se with proper credit.
3-Retract bids/offers/claims without a good reason as to why. (Multiple retractions will end in temporary ban.) Do not bid/offer/claim unless you have the funds.3.
If giving me customs/art please give me an example and amount willing to offer.
If I decline an offer please do not get mad. I have all the rights to do it.
If in auction, reply to the highest bid. If in OTA reply to my "offer here" comment unless it is a purge or very large batch. Payment times: (I do holds a max of a week! unless stated other wise)
If offering customs or art please post within a 6 month time frame, if needed more time we can discuss time frames.
Please do not delete comments. If you have to retract an order just tell me the reason why. I am perfectly ok with people retracting orders as long as they tell me.
I do partial refunds if something comes up (I do full refunds if i havn't started the custom/comms) ADOPTS DO NOT GET REFUNDS
Thanks for reading and Agreeing to my rules!

| People who are blacklisted |
| I will not do art for them|
| I won't force you to get rid of designs of mine if you own them prior to being blacklisted, you're not allowed to get more |
General DNI/BL Rule:Do not touch anything i make or made in the past if you fall under the general list, consider yourself blacklisted
General DNI/BL list-
Transphobic, Homophobic, Pedophile, Zoophile, Racist, Nazi
| Updated- 02/20/24|

xYStormWolfYx (Alt Discord Account Skylar#9698)harassment across various platforms, manipulator, socially insensitive, animal abuser, scammer, known to be transphobic, Block evading, ectPermanent Blacklist


  • Base Edits (CLOSED TEMP)

  • Flat - 10$

  • Soft Shaded - 15$

  • Hard Shaded - 20$


  • Base Edits - CLOSED

  • Flat - 15$

  • Soft Shaded - 20$

  • Hard Shaded - 25$



  • 5$/500pts (1 Icon)

  • 15$/1,500pts (Bundle of 15 Icons)

Customs/Ref Sheets


TypesF2U BaseP2U BaseOff Base
Small Ref Sheet4$/400pts5-8$/500-800pts10-15$/1,000-1,500pts
Large Ref Sheet5$/500pts15-20$/1,500-2.000pts20-25$/2,000-2,500pts

Pride Icons


  • 5$/500pts (1 Icon)

  • 15$/1,500pts (Bundle of 15 Icons)



  • 5$/500pts (1 Icon)

  • 10$/1,000pts (Bundle of 10 Stickers)

Personal Works

Base Edit Works




  • 3$/300pts (Paw Icon)

  • 4$/400pts (Paw Fleshie One)